
GDPR Compliant Cookie & Consent Management

Cookie Banners explained

Almost all websites use cookies. These are used to recognise users and make it easier for them to surf a website. Every day you will come across cookie banners – cookie warnings that appear on websites when a user first visits the site. It shows the cookies and tracking present on a website and gives users the opportunity to give their prior consent before their data is processed.


In our free webinar, data protection expert Lisa Hofmann and marketing expert Ksenija Rohrkamp will answer frequently asked questions about the use of cookies in compliance with data protection regulations: What should a cookie banner look like and what should it contain? What is the difference between a cookie notice and consent? And how do you optimise your cookie banner so as not to deter website visitors?


Practical examples are used to make it easy for you to understand how to successfully combine cookie use and data protection

What will you learn?

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Lisa Hofmann

Chief of Legal Operations Pridatect and TÜV certified data protection officer

Heading the team of international data protection experts at Pridatect, Lisa is a legal specialist and certified Data Protection Officer by TUEV (German institution for security-related services) with broad experience in helping companies and organisations with their privacy compliance.


Lisa is responsible for the product development of the international data protection platform having implemented and been responsible for data protection programmes in various companies as an internal data protection officer for over 6 years. She is passionate about making data security easily accessible to every company through innovative technical solutions.

Ksenija Rohrkamp

Chief of Marketing and Sales Operations Pridatect,
Marketing und UX Expert

Ksenija is responsible for Pridatect’s international marketing and sales team. As a graduate economist, she has been working in the digital economy for over 9 years and has supported various companies in the successful implementation of digital marketing strategies. Among other things, she worked as a digital marketing expert for OBI and was co-responsible for the development of the digital sales channel for the international packaging group DS Smith. She is happy to share her knowledge of how marketing and data protection can work together successfully and why this is not a choice but an absolute must for a sustainable company.