free webinar

Privacy Policies Made Easy: When is a privacy policy compliant and when is it not?


Join our free webinar with data protection compliance experts Charles Maddy-Trevitt & Ksenija Rohrkamp who will be providing you with all the do’s & don’ts of privacy policies alongside both good & bad case studies to make life as easy as possible for you when creating or updating your privacy policies and don’t suffer the same issues that other companies have recently (being hit with heavy fines for non-compliance & becoming social media pariahs).

What are you going to find out?

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Charles Maddy-Trevitt

UK GDPR Compliance Specialist

UK Market GDPR Specialist
Charles has a background in a wide range of industries and sectors with international experience (US/UK/Canada/EU) in data protection, it’s this knowledge & experience that allows Charles to guide clients through the minefield of data protection regulations, and making compliance, simple.

Ksenija Rohrkamp


Ksenija is responsible for Pridatect’s international marketing and sales team. As a graduate economist, she has been working in the digital economy for over 9 years and has supported various companies in the successful implementation of digital marketing strategies. Among other things, she worked as a digital marketing expert for OBI and was co-responsible for the development of the digital sales channel for the international packaging group DS Smith. She is happy to share her knowledge of how marketing and data protection can work together successfully and why this is not a choice but an absolute must for a sustainable company.


A Privacy Policy is a statement or a legal document that states how a company or website collects, handles and processes data of its customers and visitors.