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Schrems II and the Privacy Shield ruling

What you need to do with regards to international data transfers

The regulatory framework for international data transfers between the European Union and the United States has been overturned following the Schrems II ruling, which declared the Privacy Shield invalid and there is ambiguity with regards to standard contract clauses, because they’re still valid…sometimes.

The Schrems II ruling we’ve all heard so much about has led to confusion and no shortage of panic. There simply isn’t sufficient protection to prevent state surveillance, and also, the courts do not have the power to hold entities accountable for ensuring key data protection measures are in place, and this has ramifications for your company when it comes to storing and transferring data,

In this webinar, we look in detail at what this means for companies and their international data transfers and how they must act to comply with the new regulations.

What topics are we going to discuss?

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Lisa Hofmann

Chief of Legal Operations at Pridatect

Heading the team of international data protection experts at Pridatect, Lisa is a legal specialist and certified Data Protection Officer by TUEV (German institution for security-related services) with broad experience in helping companies and organisations with their privacy compliance.


Lisa is responsible for the product development of the international data protection platform having implemented and been responsible for data protection programmes in various companies as an internal data protection officer for over 6 years. She is passionate about making data security easily accessible to every company through innovative technical solutions.

Charles Maddy-Trevitt

GDPR Compliance Specialist

UK Market GDPR Specialist
Charles has a background in a wide range of industries and sectors with international experience (US/UK/Canada/EU) in data protection, it’s this knowledge & experience that allows Charles to guide clients through the minefield of data protection regulations, and making compliance, simple.